Statistically speaking, you will be involved in a car accident at least once in your lifetime. There are so many injuries that can arise after being in a car collision. While some of these injuries are mild in nature, some can cause long-term problems. 

Every year, over 1.5 million Americans sustain a traumatic brain injury. The lasting effects of this type of injury can leave a person without the ability to work or provide for their family. 

Rather than teetering on the verge of bankruptcy due to an injury caused by an accident that wasn’t your fault, you need to file a lawsuit against the guilty party. 

Find Out About Your Legal Rights

The average person will have many questions after being involved in an accident. Instead of making rash decisions due to a lack of knowledge, you need to educate yourself about your rights. Taking legal action against the person who has caused your traumatic brain injury is the best way to ensure that you and your family are taken care of. 

If you want to find out more about your rights and how to file a personal injury lawsuit, then working with a lawyer is crucial. The team at Marcus Gomez Law understands how difficult it can be to pick your life up after a bad accident. Our main goal is to help you get the compensation you deserve for the injuries you sustained. 

Work On Documenting Everything

People who experience traumatic brain injuries have to deal with many changes in their everyday lives. Documenting these changes in a traumatic brain injury journal is important. This journal can be used to document things like:

  • Major changes to your daily routine
  • Emotional problems
  • Details about doctor/therapist appointments
  • Your pain levels

With this documentation, you can get an idea of just how much your traumatic brain injury has negatively affected your life. Providing this documentation to your lawyer is also a good idea. With this information, your lawyer can start the process of building a winning case. While putting your feelings and difficulties on paper might be difficult, it is definitely worth the time you invest. 

Don’t Negotiate With Insurance Companies Alone 

Undervaluing personal injury claims is standard practice in the insurance industry. Most insurance companies like when they can negotiate settlements with individuals because it provides them with an opportunity to make a low-ball offer. The last thing you want is to receive less compensation than you deserve for your injuries. This is why allowing your lawyer to handle these settlement negotiations. 

When coming up with a settlement amount, your lawyer will consider factors like:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Punitive damages
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Lost income
  • Cost of nursing care and specialized medical equipment

By considering these factors and many more, your lawyer can come up with a fair settlement amount.

Have you recently been involved in an accident that left you with severe injuries? If so, it is time to seek out the help of Marcus Gomez Law.